"To enable every single person to become happy without exception"
An Introduction to
A peaceful world can only exist if people are happy. There are two kinds of happiness: relative and absolute. Relative happiness refers to short-lived, temporary happiness dependent upon external circumstances. The purpose of Buddhism is to establish lives of absolute happiness, an inner state of joy and confidence that can never be taken away, destroyed or defeated.
Through our practice of Nichiren Buddhism, we awaken to the dignity and power that reside within us and transform ourselves on the deepest level. By chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we reveal our inherent Buddha nature, which permeates all aspects of our lives, environment, and the entire universe. As a result, we experience positive changes and undergo a profound process of self-transformation called human revolution, which becomes the foundation of our lasting happiness.
Where does it come from?
The roots of Buddhism originate from Shakyamuni (also known as Siddhartha Gautama), who expounded the Lotus Sutra, in which he revealed that all people, without exception, possess this Buddha nature and are inherently worthy of respect.
In the 13th century, a Japanese Buddhist religious reformer named Nichiren identified that the practice of chanting the Lotus Sutra’s title, “Myoho-renge-kyo,” together with the Sanskrit word “Nam,” which means “to devote oneself,” is itself the way to bring forth from within our Buddha nature.
Today, the Soka Gakkai International carries on Nichiren's teachings and humanistic philosophy that is based on treasuring the inherent dignity and value of all life. The aim is to empower each person to see the value of their life and thereby create positive changes to their own circumstances and have a positive impact on the world around them.