The essence of Buddhism is the conviction that we each have within us the ability to overcome any problem or difficulty that we may encounter in life. This inherent potential is what we refer to as the Buddha nature, a state of life characterised by limitless courage, wisdom, and compassion through which we raise our state of life.
The way we tap into this reserve of unlimited potential is through the daily practice of chanting the phrase "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo", which signifies the ultimate Law or true essence of life permeating everything in the universe. Chanting this phrase is an expression of our determination to embrace and bring forth our Buddha nature. It is a pledge to oneself to never yield to difficulties and to win over one’s suffering. At the same time, it is a vow to help others activate this law in their own lives and achieve happiness.
The daily practice consists of chanting this phrase and reciting portions of the Lotus Sutra (referred to as gongyo) twice a day (morning and evening). In so doing, they are able to polish, strengthen and transform their lives.
Buddhist Study
Soka Gakkai members study the teachings of Nichiren in order to deepen their understanding of the principles of Buddhism. These writings (referred to as the Gosho, literally “honorable writings”) comprise letters he wrote to his disciples as well as treatises and doctrinal interpretations. Study of these writings strengthens faith and conviction, which finds expression in practice.

Discussion Meetings
Soka Gakkai members carry out their daily practice at home, but also meet regularly with other members in their communities. The discussion meeting serves as a focal point where members study Buddhist principles and how to apply them in everyday life.
Soka Gakkai discussion meetings are usually held on a monthly basis, and the vast majority are held in the homes of members. They give people the opportunity to develop meaningful connections and a sense of community.
The sharing of faith experiences—the transformation in people’s lives realized through Buddhist practice—is a central element of discussion meetings. The example of successfully confronting and overcoming challenges provides encouragement to others struggling with their own problems.
In this way, individual experiences of transformation become the inspiration for a wider movement of societal change.

Human Revolution
"Human revolution” is the idea that the inner transformation of an individual will cause a positive change in their circumstances and ultimately in society as a whole.
Such transformation comes about through tackling the challenges of daily life with Buddhist practice, seeking to develop one’s potential, conquering one’s negative tendencies and taking responsibility for one’s own life and destiny. Change on a global scale comes about through this process of self-reformation in the lives of individuals—from fear to confidence, from destruction to creativity, from hatred to compassion.
Nothing can match the strength of those whose lives have been shaped and forged through challenging and overcoming hardships. Such people fear nothing. The purpose of our Buddhist practice is to develop such strength and fortitude. To cultivate such an invincible core is in itself a victory.